I am the author and performer of the music that I offer you.
If you become my patron 
you will immediately receive access to the music tracks located in the playlist below, for download and use in your projects and in the future will receiving 3 or more No Copyright Claims Music tracks every month while you are my patron. 


    • No Copyright ClaimsThis means you will not receive a copyright claim on your videos on YouTube and other sites.
    • Monetization: You can monetize your videos on YouTube and on other sites. This means that you can earn income from your videos on YouTube and other sites.
    • Commercial: You can use all music tracks for commercial purposes.
    • Unlimited: You can create an unlimited amount of videos / contents.
    • No need to buy licenses: You do not need to buy licenses every time you upload new videos on YouTube and other sites.
    • Use: You can use all the music tracks on YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, websites, social media, TV and radio shows, podcasts, TV/Radio Advertising, applications and more.
    • You cannot resell, distribute for free or publish this music on labels.

You can also download the application to your mobile device for your convenience.

If for some reason you need a license for the track, you can purchase it here:http://alturl.com/u7h3j


No Copyright Claims Music [object object]